How much space is required for your water softening units? Generally, a space of 2 feet by 3 feet is needed for each of our point of entry whole house units. Commercial units generally require more room and are sized on an individual basis. To ensure that our customers have the best service possible, we are providing these useful tips and information about caring for and maintaining the very source of our customer’s lives — their water.

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Use this chart to figure the benefits to you and your family from using soft water. Just print this page to begin calculating your savings.

Item Cost per Month Reduce your Usage Savings per Month
Laundry Soap or Detergents 80%
Hand Soap 80%
Detergent for Dishes 80%
Scouring Powders 80%
Household Cleaners 80%
Bleaches 80%
Scouring Powders 80%
Body Lotions 80%
Face Creams 80%
Shampoos 80%
Shaving Soap and Blades 80%
Coffee 80%
Scouring Powders 80%
Tea 80%
Fuel – Hot Water Heater 50%
Water Softeners (Chemical) 100%
Rubber Gloves 50%
The following method is one that has been found to be very effective for the disinfection of water wells.

If you have a water softener and/or an activated carbon filter put it on by-pass. If you have a reverse osmosis unit, turn off the incoming water to the R.O. This is very important because the chlorine can damage the water softener resin and the R.O. membrane.

Remove the 1/2″ plug in the well seal and pour 4 gallons of household bleach down the well. (Clorox, Purex, or any store brand of bleach. Do not use scented bleaches).

Hook up a water hose to the furthest outside faucet that your hose will reach and run water back into the well. The faucet needs only to be slightly opened. Open the faucet so that the pump starts about four or six times an hour. A small diameter water hose with the end cut off will fit into the hole in the well seal, or you can get fittings at a hardware store that will reduce from a garden hose connection to a 3/8″ copper tubing.

Allow the water to circulate through the well for 4 hours. this should produce very good contact with the interior surfaces of the well, pump, storage tank, and the lines the water is running through.

After the above 4 hours is up, go to all faucets, one at a time, and run water until you smell the chlorine bleach. When you smell the bleach turn the faucet off.

Let the water stand in the pipes for at least 2 hours. Let the water continue to circulate through the well during this time.
After the 2 hours is up, go to the furthest outside faucet from the well and turn it on and let it run. It will take several hours to get the chlorine bleach out of the system. After this is done flush out the lines in the house.

Note: Do not use water until the well and line are flushed out and you cannot detect the taste or odor of chlorine. This process will take several hours, so draw up plenty of water to last for about 10 to 14 hours. When you can’t taste the chlorine in the water you can take the water softener and/or activated carbon filter off by-pass. Wait 24 hours before turning the R.O. back on. If you have any questions feel free to call us at 254-968-5386.

If you have a galvanized type pressure tank it is sometimes necessary to remove the water from this tank and recharge it with air.
You should separate the inside water from the outside water. You should do this even if you have no plans for having any type of water conditioning equipment. If you should have a leak in an outside line, or need to repair a leaking faucet, you will not have to turn off your water in the house to do your repair work or while you wait for a plumber. Also, if your water should change to such an extent that treatment becomes necessary at a later time, you will not be faced with major installation charges.
There is an old axiom that states, “The result of any test procedure can be no better than the sample on which it is performed.” Learn how to take a good water sample in this step-by-step checklist.

  1. Select an indoor leak-free water faucet from which to take the sample.
  2. Remove the faucet’s aerator or strainer if one is present.
  3. Flame the inside of the faucet with a propane or homemade torch to sterilize it. Do not wash, wipe, or touch the faucet after sterilization.
  4. Let water run at full flow for 5 minutes.
  5. Close faucet to a stream of water the size of a pencil; let water flow for 1 minute.
  6. Fill bottle to 3/4 capacity, while holding the bottle’s cap in the other hand. Do not let anything touch the inside of the bottle or cap except the water.
  7. Close bottle immediately after the sample is taken.
  8. Deliver sample immediately to laboratory or public agency, or store in the manner that they suggest. Samples not delivered within 30 hours must be retaken.